Here in Florida, winters are warm, which means you may need to water your lawn all year round. However, you should reduce the amount of watering once winter sets in. Your grass will likely go dormant and require much less maintenance. Closely monitor your lawn to ensure you are not over or underwatering it.

How Can I Tell If My Grass Is Dormant?

In the winter months, grass naturally enters a state of dormancy as a survival strategy to endure unfavorable environmental conditions. This state of dormancy enables the grass to thrive with minimal exposure to light, endure freezing temperatures, and manage with reduced moisture availability. Since winters are generally much warmer here in Florida, your grass may not go entirely dormant. You can tell if your grass is dormant by looking for:

  • Shift in Color: The most prominent change in dormant grass is its color, which typically transforms into a straw-like or brown hue.
  • Slowed Growth: Dormant grass demonstrates minimal to no growth, with new blade or shoot growth being scarcely visible during this period.
  • Thinning: Certain grass varieties may appear sparser and less dense while in their dormant phase. The combination of reduced growth and the shedding of older blades contributes to this thinner appearance.
  • Increased Brittleness: Dormant grass can become more brittle and less resilient, making it prone to breaking more easily when walked on or subjected to pressure.

Winter Lawn Care Tips

Taking care of your dormant grass during the winter involves adopting practices that aid its survival and overall health until it reawakens in the springtime.  Below are some recommendations on how to tend to your dormant grass throughout the colder months:

  • Avoid Unnecessary Mowing: Refrain from mowing dormant grass unless it’s absolutely essential. If a trim is unavoidable, adjust your mower to its highest setting and trim only a small portion of the grass blade. Mowing can induce stress in dormant grass and risk injury.
  • Reduce Watering Frequency: While dormant, your grass doesn’t need as much water compared to the growing season. Nonetheless, it’s essential to provide occasional deep watering if your area encounters prolonged dry spells. Monitor your grass closely and irrigate if you notice signs of dehydration.
  • Hold off on Fertilization: Fertilizing during dormancy can stimulate undesired growth when the grass should be conserving its energy. Instead, plan to apply fertilizer in the spring when the grass begins its greening process.
  • Clear Leaves and Debris: Regularly remove fallen leaves and debris from your lawn. A thick layer of leaves can smother the grass and create conditions conducive to disease.
  • Minimize Foot Traffic: During the dormancy period, it’s wise to limit any unnecessary foot traffic on your lawn. Dormant grass is more delicate and prone to damage, especially from compaction.

It’s essential to keep in mind that the care required for dormant grass can differ based on the type of grass, the prevailing local climate, and specific conditions. Always remain attentive to the individual requirements of your lawn and adapt your maintenance routines accordingly.


In the winter months when the temperatures drop, it’s advisable to water your lawn every two to three weeks, adjusting based on rainfall and soil moisture to prevent overwatering and fungal issues.


Water your lawn in the morning between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. to allow moisture to penetrate the soil before cooler temperatures at night, reducing fungal growth and optimizing water use.

Winter lawn care can be difficult, but that’s where an expert can help! If you want to keep your grass in top-notch condition all year long, try partnering with a lawn care professional for personalized recommendations based on your turf’s needs. They can offer you comprehensive guidance and top-quality services to enhance the vitality of your landscape, regardless of the season.

Discover more top tips on how to maintain a healthy green lawn with our expert lawn care guides

Should You Water Your Lawn in the Winter? Serving Orlando and surrounding counties

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