How to Treat Brown Patch Fungus in your lawn

Metro Orlando FL | Kissimmee - Sanford - Leesburg

How to treat brown patch fungus in Apopka and Sanford FL - Heron Home & OutdoorBrown patch fungus is a lawn disease that often occurs in the fall and early winter and is known to be one of the most destructive lawn diseases. It typically is at its worst when temperatures are humid, between 80 and 85 degrees. Once an outbreak begins, brown patch fungus is notoriously hard to control and spreads rapidly.

Trust Heron Home and Outdoor lawn care services in Florida to help protect your lawn from brown patch fungus to keep it looking pristine year-round.

How does brown patch lawn fungus spread?

If our technician indicated that Brown Patch Fungus is present in your lawn, there are some things you should know. Brown Patch Fungus may invade the lawn by just about any mechanical method; wind blowing the spores or simply walking over a diseased portion of turf. Once Brown Patch Fungus has become established in an area, it can remain dormant in the soil for years until temperature, humidity, and most importantly, cultural conditions are most favorable. In Central Florida, the fungus can be found year-round, but severe outbreaks occur during fall and early winter when daytime temperatures range between 75 —85 degrees, night temperatures fall below 68, and the presence of free moisture on the foliage is prolonged. Shaded lawns that hold excessive moisture are most susceptible, but they may be found in full sun areas as well.

Treating and Preventing Brown Patch Fungus

If your lawn has been previously diagnosed as having brown patch fungus, it is likely that the disease will emerge in the same areas again next fall and early winter. Here is what you can do to help prevent and treat this fungus:

  • Decrease your frequency of watering to the affected area. Brown patch fungus thrives in excessive moisture areas.
  • DO NOT apply any type of fertilizer to the lawn during brown patch fungus outbreaks. The Nitrogen in the fertilizer will actually provide more food for the disease to spread further and faster.
  • Avoid mowing the affected areas. Mow around them. Do not step or walk on affected areas. If you have a lawn service, ask them to mow the affected area last, so that the clippings are not spread throughout the lawn.
  • DO NOT rake out the affected area. Leave it alone. Generally, the damage is topical and only the actual leaves are affected, leaving stolons and rhizomes intact. The grass blades will grow soon after the fungus becomes inactive. Resodding is generally not necessary.
  • Keep a watchful eye on the lawn for further outbreak patches. Call us right away when new patches emerge so we can dispatch a technician to your property to treat new area(s).

Professional Brown Patch Fungus Treatment

We cannot cure brown patch fungus or prevent it from occurring. However, we can minimize its footprint and control it from spreading by applying fungicides that will temporarily neutralize the fungus until climate conditions are less favorable. For more information on how we can help you fight brown patch fungus, call us today!


Brown patches in a lawn can result from various factors, including fungal diseases (such as brown patch or dollar spot), drought stress, compacted soil, improper watering, or insect infestations. Identifying the specific cause is crucial for effective treatment and restoration.


To repair brown patches on your lawn, it’s important to identify the underlying cause first – this is where our expert lawn care specialists can help. Our highly skilled team can help treat the fungal diseases with fungicides, address compacted soil with aeration, adjust watering practices, and reseed or sod as needed.  We can also provide advice on regular watering and fertilization. Contact us today for your lawn care services in Florida!

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