When It’s Time to Call an Ant Exterminator
Metro Orlando FL | Kissimmee - Sanford - Leesburg
For some ant infestations, a DIY approach can work. But there are instances where calling a professional is best, either because of the danger the species poses, or the size of the infestation itself. When the health and stability of a home is at risk, there are three specific times when it’s necessary to call an exterminator.
When the Ants Can Sting
A licensed exterminator should always handle stinging insects. Fire ants have a stinger, and they will not hesitate to sting when threatened. Wasps, hornets, bees, and fire ants are all part of the Hymenoptera order of insects, and they share certain behaviors and traits, including how they make their nests. When their colony is disturbed, these insects will sting their attacker, injecting venom and continuing to swarm. Even without an existing allergy to these insects, people are sent to the emergency room every year, having been stung hundreds of times after disturbing a nest.
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When You’re Concerned About Ants Causing Damage to Buildings
Unlike termites, wood-dwelling ants don’t eat wood–but they can cause a large amount of damage during an infestation. Carpenter ants (and other ants that live in wood) like to live in hollow spaces and will continue to excavate wooden structures as their colony grows. If left unchecked, carpenter ants can tunnel their way through an entire house. There are two major signs of wood-nesting ants: small piles of wood-shavings next to walls or window-sills, and winged carpenter ants emerging inside during the spring season. Seek advice from a professional if either of these infestation indications are present.
When Ant Infestations are Continuous
If there have been multiple and separate occurrences of ant infestation, it’s time to call an exterminator. If ants continue to return, even after multiple DIY treatments, something isn’t working. Calling a licensed professional is the best way to treat the problem, and they can also give advice on how to prevent ant infestations in the future.
Contact Heron Home & Outdoor about our ant treatments. We use an effective method of pest control that will get rid of ants while remaining eco-friendly and safe for your family.
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