2020 Pest Predictions – 6 Pests You Need to Know About

 In Pest Control, Pest Control Tips, Pest Prevention

2020 Pest Predictions - 6 Pests You Need To Know About Hindsight may be 20/20, but when it comes to pests, Heron Home & Outdoor is looking ahead to help homeowners proactively defend their homes against pest infestation.

At Heron Home & Outdoor, we have used our field experiences and examined trends and company data to determine these six pest predictions. Along with the following predictions, we are offering quick tips for homeowners to help keep their homes pest-free in 2020.


Historically, issues with mice spike during the winter months. However, over the past several years, populations of mice have increased year-round. Blame warming winters for allowing more mice to survive and breed. As warmer temperatures are experienced this winter, mice will continue to surge. That’s bad news for homeowners because mice invade homes year-round looking for food and safe places to nest.

Homeowner Tips: Problems with mice can arise quickly. Rodent-proof your home by sealing small cracks and crevices with a silicone-based caulk. Exterior gaps of ¼-inch or larger can be repaired with copper mesh, hardware cloth or metal flashing. Since mice can squeeze through small openings, gaps under door frames, garage doors, windows, or pipes and cables that access your home are prime entry spots for mice.

Stinging Pests

Shifting climates can have a major effect throughout the pest world, and with warmer weather, experts are seeing more hornet and yellow jacket nests. Female yellow jackets and hornets can successfully overwinter in homes and structures, even in freezing temperatures. As soon as temperatures get warmer in spring, stinging insects will emerge from their hiding places, ready to start building their colonies for the year.

Homeowner Tips: Since hornet and yellow jackets overwinter near homes and structures, they may be out and about at the first sign of warm weather. Look out for stinging pests, utilizing a professional pest control service as soon as you spot activity.


Hiking and camping are popular outdoor activities. When combined with warming winters, and the expansion of the geographic range of many ticks, humans and their pets can expect to come into contact with these blood-sucking insects more frequently. Ticks of special concern include the American dog tick, the deer tick or black-legged tick, and the Lone Star tick. There were nearly 50,000 cases of human tick-borne diseases such as Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever reported in 2018. Pets are also at risk to contract some of these diseases.

Homeowner Tips: When spending time outside, wear long-sleeve shirts, pants and socks and an EPA-approved insect repellent. To avoid ticks, walk in the center of trails and avoid walking through tall bushes or other vegetation. During and after outdoor activity, check for ticks on yourself and any family members, including your pets.


Mosquito-borne diseases are becoming an increasing concern in many areas. This is due, in large part, to a warming climate and severe weather events. If we have a warm, wet winter and spring, the conditions will be ideal for mosquito populations to explode in some areas in late spring and early summer. Areas of the Mid-Atlantic and Midwest are predicted to have above-average rainfall, while most of the U.S. is predicted to be warmer than average this winter.

Homeowner Tips: The risk of mosquito-borne diseases, such as the Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) can increase with rising populations. To prevent a mosquito infestation on your property eliminate standing water and always wear an EPA-approved insect repellent when spending time outside.


Termites are the most destructive pests in North America, causing $6 billion in property damage each year. According to experts, the two main weather factors that affect termite populations are temperature and rainfall. With warmer and wetter weather predicted for spring, the termite swarming season will be ramping up soon.

Homeowner Tips: To deter termites, eliminate earth to wood contact and avoid moisture accumulation near your home or structures’ foundation. Because termites can cause such extensive damage, raising homeowner awareness around the need for proactive protection for their homes is critical to prevent costly repairs.

The experts at Heron Home & Outdoor agree that the first step any homeowner can take to prevent pest infestations is to have a proactive pest control plan in place, year-round. With these 2020 pest predictions in mind, take some time to evaluate your current pest control plan and ensure that you have the coverage you need to protect yourself and your family from pests in 2020.

2020 Pest Predictions – 6 Pests You Need to Know About in Orlando FL and surrounding counties

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